Sarah's blog experiment
I am using this blog as an experiment to document my experiences in the information-for-development area. It provides an informal record of my personal thoughts and opinions. The 'cast of characters' also occasionally includes: my daughter Leah, my son Sacha, and my partner, Edward.
Another quote...
This time from Howard White:
The logframe is not a universal panacea but, used properly, can force agencies into critical examination of their programmes and projects, and the results they achieve.
This comes from 'The road to nowhere? Results-based management in international cooperation.' In
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Quote on evaluation and networking
Just posting this here so that I don't forget it:
For aid evaluation as for aid delivery, the solution to current governance dilemmas lies in harmonization, coordination and the forging of partnerships. More resources need to be devoted to nurturing of convergence in evaluation methods through networks of evaluators, development of evaluation capacties, professional associations (such as the International Development Evaluation Association), joint or parallel evaluations, and country-based evaluation connected to enhanced processes of public expenditure management.
Robert Picciotto (2005) The Monterrey challenge: re-shaping the development architecture. In:
Why did the chicken cross the road?