Sarah's blog experiment

I am using this blog as an experiment to document my experiences in the information-for-development area. It provides an informal record of my personal thoughts and opinions. The 'cast of characters' also occasionally includes: my daughter Leah, my son Sacha, and my partner, Edward.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Social capital is fun

Most of the fun quotes I come across refer to social capital. This one is terrific:

On a good day in my old job at the World Bank, I would be asked to define "civil society” by any number of sceptical colleagues – a notoriously slippery task at the best of times, though at least it showed they were interested. On a bad day, they would ask me an even trickier question (“what is social capital?”), but worst of all was the inevitable sequel: what is the difference between social capital and civil society?

Edwards, M. (1999) ‘Enthusiasts, tacticians and sceptics: the World Bank, civil society and social capital’.